Thu Feb 9th: GOOD MORNING (Ohayô) – introduced by Alex Jacoby
This will be Alex’s third visit to introduce a Japanese film. GOOD MORNING, made in 1959, was based on similar material to that for Ozu’s earlier, silent, film I WAS BORN, BUT… which we shall be screening on March 15th. Is it a remake? Alex is aware that we are showing it and we hope that he will spend a little time introducing it as well. If you have Japanese acquaintances, they might like to know of these two screenings, which they would be very welcome to attend.
This programme will start at the usual time of 7.45.
Next season
The committee is set to begin its discussions on the 2012-3 season in mid-February. It’s always quite a long process, but all members’ suggestions are discussed. You can suggest any film title you like, any director, any genre, any period, in fact you can make any observations you like about the balance of films. To make it more concrete you could for instance say what for you has been positive and negative about our programme over the past twelve months. Use the reaction slips for this or, if your handwriting is on the large size, reach for an A4 sheet of paper or email us.
You can give us your ideas whenever you wish, but the earlier the better. Our annual members’ meeting will take place on May 24th, when you can hear how far we have got in the selection process (usually we are nearing its end of the process by this time) and say what you think of it.
ABCD in the Abingdon Arts Festival
The January newsletter contained detailed information about our involvement in the Festival. We will try not to repeat ourselves here, so if you have deleted it, you can retrieve it from the homepage at [If you are reading this in the paper version, but have email you can also sign up for the e-version by clicking on “mailing list” on our website]. Festival brochures are now starting to be delivered and our tickets will be on sale to the public by 3rd February.
Many thanks for helping us by signing up to our events, as it helps us plan our publicity effort. STORMY WEATHER (March 22nd) is over half full; I WAS BORN (March 15th) has a respectable number and the venue is quite big; while GREAT WHITE SILENCE, with 32 names, is approaching a half full theatre.
We would like you to pay for your tickets in advance so that things run smoothly on the night. Remember that you will be saving £1 per ticket if you do. (No ticket needed on March 15th, if you are a member).
Reminder: February 16th – no film (half-term)
Next newsletter: end February / early March