29 February 2012 Newsletter

Following POLICE, ADJECTIVE (March 1st) and TAXI DRIVER (March 8th) we have three screenings which are offered as part of the Abingdon Arts Festival:

  • March 15th: I WAS BORN, BUT … . This is our annual silent film accompanied, as over the last thirty years, by Andrew Youdell. Please remember that (i) this screening is included in half and whole year membership subscriptions – nothing extra to pay; (ii) that it takes place at Saint Nicolas Church; and (iii) that it starts at 7.30 pm. It’s helpful for us to know if you are planning to come (even though there is no charge) and whether you will have guest(s) with you (£5).
  • March 22nd: STORMY WEATHER is an extra event and is fully booked at present, but there is a waiting list. If you have put your name on the sign-up list and have not yet confirmed by buying your ticket, you can do so on Thursday evening. If you plan to pay on the night please let us know. This event takes place in the King Charles Room at the Kings Head and Bell and starts at 7.30pm – If possible please be there by 7.25, as there may well be people queuing for tickets.
  • March 29th: We’re back at the College at the usual time of 7.45pm for THE GREAT WHITE SILENCE, but this is another screening outside the annual programme, so everyone pays. Tickets are going very well, so if you want to be at this screening and have not reserved or bought your ticket, do let us know soonest. (On Feb 28th some tickets were still available at the Abingdon Information Centre, if you prefer to acquire them there).

Your reactions: we plan to catch up this Thursday (1st March), telling you if you liked Life, Above All; The Illusionist; Good Morning and Another Year. Full details are on the website

After THE GREAT WHITE SILENCE on March 29th there will be an Easter break until April 19th. We are not sure when the next newsletter will appear, but it could well be in mid-April.