1st October 2012 newsletter

Our first film for season 2012-3, THE DESCENDANTS, will be screened this Thursday (Oct 4) at 7.45 pm. If you are planning to come along on Thursday with your membership cheque in hand, that’s fine. If so, please send an email to info@abfilms.org.uk, so that we can prepare your membership card and save the postage. The main thing, though, is to rejoin and enjoy the films.

  • Second reminder: No film on Nov 1, which falls in half term week.
  • ABCD in the New Year: We are making very good progress in negotiating a new venue, but as nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, we are not yet revealing any details. As soon as there is firm news we will of course let you know, confirming the post Christmas programme of films. (For a bit of background to this, please see the August newsletter. If you didn’t print it out and frame it, it’s on the website – see next item.
  • Chris has updated the website – www.abfilms.org.uk. During the season, the comments you make on the reaction slips appear on the site. Click on reactions and then on the title you’re interested in. Please encourage your friends and acquaintances to visit the site (in the hope that they will come to a film and then join).
  • You might like to know that we are going to replace our projector in the next month or so. It’s been a busy summer!
  • To note: The annual general meeting will be held n November 15th, immediately before the screening of The Invisible Man. There will certainly be committee vacancies, so if you think you might be interested in joining the committee, you might like to find out more about what’s involved been now and then. Just ask!
  • You may have read or heard that the 2013 Abingdon Arts Festival has been cancelled. This is correct. However, our March 7th event – The Italian Straw Hat – is part of our main programme and is definitely not cancelled, even though it would also have been an Arts Festival Event.
  • Our next newsletter will appear in about four weeks.

With best wishes from your committee.