Happy New Year! Your committee hopes you have enjoyed the Christmas season and that you are looking forward to our programme of films between now and early May. With one exception they will all be shown at our new venue, The Abingdon Resource & Wellbeing Centre, Audlett Drive, Abingdon, OX14 3GD. The exception is the March 7th showing of AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT on March 7th at Saint Nicolas’ Church. More about this in a few weeks.
1 Hitchcock’s PSYCHO on January 10th
We look forward to seeing you on January 10th at the usual time of 7.45 pm for our first film of 2013, PSYCHO. This screening is free to non-members and members alike. The former should get an idea of what being a member of ABCD is like (namely good films and friendly, intelligent company, we think) and the latter should be reminded of the same benefits.
If you plan to come, please tell us as soon as you can, as we need to know how many non-members we can accommodate. A few no-shows won’t matter, so don’t leave it too long to let us know. We are currently delivering door to door several thousand glossy leaflets promoting ABCD (and the PSYCHO screening) and are hoping for some local newspaper coverage, too. We need more members, as we have to recoup over time the costs of our new projector and of the move to the new venue. Please let us know if you would like to sacrifice some shoe leather in the cause of publicity for ABCD.
2 Renew Your Membership, please
The next thing we want you to do, if you haven’t already done so, is renew your membership. Subscription rates are:
Single membership: £32.00 Double membership: £62.00
(Friend of the Phoenix single: £25.60 Friend of the Phoenix double £51.20)
The above rates cover admission to all screenings in the new programme summary up to and including April 25th. (Please note that the May 2nd event – POTICHE – is not included).
One week (admission to one screening; please state week) £6.00 single (£5.00 student & Friend of the Phoenix)
(Exceptions: Jan 10th when no charge; and Mar 7th when £7.00).
Members’ guests £5.00 per guest.
Please send your cheque to ABCD Film Society, c/o Abingdon Resource & Wellbeing Centre, Audlett Drive, Abingdon OX14 3GD, payable to ABCD Film Society. If not using the application form in the new brochure, please include postal address, phone number, legible and optionally legible signature.
For late membership applications ‘phone 01235 521976 / 525464.
Barry Reeves, our Membership Secretary, asks, “If you plan to re-join and have not yet paid, it would be most helpful if you could let me have your application form (see in the brochure) and cheque fairly soon so that we can avoid a rush on the 17th. Do give me a call on 01235 521976 if you need more information, or email on info@abfilms.org.uk. I already have a list of members who are interested in coming to the free Psycho event, but if you haven’t yet signed up for this and plan to come, please let me know so that we can anticipate numbers. We are looking forward to seeing you at our film evenings.”
3 Jan 24th – 7.30pm start
We will be showing the 2009 French Canadian production J’AI TUE MA MERE on Jan 24, introduced by Ann Miller. The event will start at 7.30 pm.
4 You should have received …
a copy of the recently produced brochure “Programme for January – May 2013”. If you do not have one, please let us know or download one from the News section of our website, which also has full details of our programme, www.abfilms.org.uk – select 2012-2013 Season films.
The next members’ newsletter should appear in mid-February.