25th February 2014 newsletter

ABCD Members’ Newsletter 25th February 2014

Reminders & Updates

March 6 The annual silent classic: PANDORA’S BOX – 7.30 pm at Saint Nicolas Church, with Wendy Hiscocks accompanying on piano. Guests most welcome – £6.

March 20 Our Russian films evening has now taken full shape. The main film will be DEFENCE COUNSEL SEDOV, as stated in the annual programme. Its running time is only 45 minutes and we will also be screening two films by Aleksandr Sokurov, MARIA (40 minutes) and SONATA FOR HITLER (10 minutes). Sokurov, who has been making films for some 40 years, is quite well known in Britain for his 2002 production, RUSSIAN ARK. The programme will be introduced by John Riley, who has visited us many times to talk to us about Russian film.

April 3 OSS 117: CAIRO NEST OF SPIES. This is our annual joint event with ADTTS (the local twinning association). Details in the next newsletter.

April 10 FANTASTIC MR FOX, an additional film introduced by Hannah Moseley, a Hollywood art director. Details in the next newsletter.

Independent Cinema Office Screening Days April 5 – April 7

These are due to take place at the BFI Southbank (aka the National Film Theatre). The films are all previews of titles due to appear in cinemas in the coming months. If you like the idea of seeing films from before 10am right through to 5 or 6pm, this could be for you.

For full details go to www.independentcinemaoffice.org.uk/screeningdays/april2014.

The ‘COMING SOON’ messages

We have now been sending you email flyers mentioning forthcoming films for several months and hope that you have forwarded them to friends and acquaintances who you think might be interested.

The next members’ newsletter is planned for late March.