27th April 2014 newsletter

ABCD Members’ Newsletter 27th April 2014

Reminders & News

May 8 at 7.45 – SOME LIKE IT HOT Dir. Billy Wilder, USA, 1959, 120 mins, Cert. U, screened in support of Red Cross Week. (For further information go to www.redcross.org.uk/Get-involved/Red-Cross-Week).

We are showing this famous 1959 Billy Wilder comedy starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in order to hep raise funds for the Red Cross organisation. There will be a very low admission charge of £4 per person, all of which will go to ABCD funds to cover the costs of the event. In addition, there will be a collection for the Red Cross to which you will be able to contribute.

Pay on the door, by all means, but if you can tell us in advance that you plan to come to this show, it would be a help. Email: info@abfilms.org.uk

or tel 01235 521976/ 525464. And please bring a friend or three.


We very rarely see 16 – 19 year olds at our screenings and this is something we think we could perhaps rectify with a bit of help from members. Do you know any young people in this age group (children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc, though not necessarily yours)? Would you be willing to ask them if they would like to receive a message from us about our screenings – in particular the one on May 8th?

If you send us a first name and an email address – but you must have the individual’s permission – we will send them a message about the film and ask them to pass on the information to their friends and contacts, no doubt using social media.

You may be thinking it can’t be difficult to get information about our films into schools and colleges. Well, that’s not been our experience, so we would like to try this approach. We look forward to hearing from you. (We need the individual’s first name and you should note that we will say in any message that it was your idea to email them). Our email is info@abfilms.org.uk.

May 29 at 7.45 – MEMBERS’ MEETING The annual meeting when we report the progress we have made towards assembling next season’s programme. It’s very likely there will be some decisions still to be made and your comments may make a difference.

We will screen a short film and refreshments will be provided.

There is one item of news – we need a new programme note coordinator. This is a job that Chris Holt has done for many years – well beyond the call of duty – and it’s now time for someone else to do it. This is what’s involved:

– the committee agrees who is to write each programme note and the list of names is sent to the coordinator.

– the author sends the programme note to the coordinator, who checks that it has the agreed format and does a limited amount of checking for spelling etc.

– the coordinator saves the programme note as a PDF file and transmits it to our friendly photocopying agency. (If you are not familiar with PDFs, we will explain).

Every single film show for very many years has had an accompanying programme note and we are rather proud of this. This could be your opportunity to help keep the tradition going. Speak to Dave Thomas or Martin Johnson, at one of our May events, or phone Dave on 01235 533054; or send us an email (info@abfilms.org.uk), if you would like to take this on.