ABCD Members’ Newsletter 26th May 2014
Two events to mention in this edition:
At 7.45 at the Health and Wellbeing Centre
This meeting, as ever, is principally to give you an update on the committee’s thinking about next year’s programme of films and events – and also to give you the chance to give your views. This year is typical in that there are still some decisions to be made, but also quite a few near certainties.
Do come along if you can. There will be a short film to get you in the mood (a curmudgeonly one, if you don’t like the choice); and refreshments.
June 13 THE PAST
Secondly, our member Anita Rendel, has asked us to mention that this film, the latest by Iranian director Asghar Farhadi to be distributed in the UK, is being screened at The Corn Exchange, Wallingford on June 13th at 7.30 pm. (, 01491 825000). Tickets £5 cash (+£1 for credit cards). You may recall his previous film, A Separation, which members were very positive about when we screened it not so long ago. Anita points out that the Corn Exchange has quite a hard time getting good audiences for sub-titled films and thus deserves our support.
On the committee we feel that there are not quite enough “hands on deck”, both generally and in one particular way. Specifically, we are looking for someone to help with publicity. Do you regularly use social networks or other electronic communication? If so, you might well be able to help. Apart from that, can you see something that we are not doing that would be beneficial and that you would be willing to do?
Please let us know (via how you could assist. It doesn’t mean that you have join the Committee, though we would almost certainly offer to co-opt you.
This is probably the last newsletter for 2013-4. We plan to make final decisions on 2014-5 over the next few weeks, with the annual brochure to be printed by the end of August and distributed soon afterwards. First film probably on Thursday, October 2nd.
In the meantime we hope you enjoy the summer and look forward to seeing you before too long.