2017-8 season, our 42nd, starts in two weeks
Our first film of the season is Arrival, showing on October 5. It’s science fiction, but perhaps not as you know it: ‘Finally a sci-fi thriller that doesn’t rely on action movie clichés’ was the caption over The Independent review earlier this year, continuing: ‘[it] turns out to be more preoccupied with linguistics, philosophy and non-linear time than with humans in boiler suits zapping the creatures from outer space’. And with Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner, too! At 19:45 at the Health and Wellbeing Centre, Audlett Drive, OX14 3GD, but please arrive early if you will be paying your subscription.
What’s new and not new?
You should by now have received a copy or two of the printed brochure and we hope of course that you like the look of it, with our established eclectic selection of old and new films, special events, and its internationalism. If you have friends or colleagues you would like to pass copies to, we will be happy to send you additional copies, or you can pick them up at a screening – there are plenty available.
One new thing this year is our ‘newcomer offer’. For £20 a potential new member can see the first four films in the brochure – that is, the four titles we are showing in October. If they then decide to join for the season (or half-season to the end of 2017) the £20 will be taken as part of their subscription. So it’s an inexpensive way of finding out if the ABCD experience is for them or not.
You are probably getting the message that we can always do with a few more full members, as if you did not already know. So please do your bit to get the message out. However, one week members and guests are also very welcome and we always hope that some of these will become ABCD regulars.
Can you help us get our programme into the hands of sixth-formers?
We’ve always found it difficult to achieve this, despite emails and batches of brochures being sent to schools. Another innovation this season is that we are offering a 50% discount on all rates to full-time school and college students. Please spread the word amongst your acquaintances. Why, you could even buy them the ‘newcomer offer’ for £10!
Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake on November 2
In a few weeks’ time you may see publicity for this screening, which is now going to be one of our special events, because it will be introduced by an expert on child poverty, with the possibility of further discussion afterwards. We will send you full information in a newsletter in October, but, just for clarity, the film is part of our 2017-8 season and is included in whole and first half memberships: no extra charges.
We look forward to seeing you soon.