Newsletter – 29 April 2018

Members’ meeting on May 10

This is now an established event in the ABCD calendar: all members are invited to hear and discuss the progress the selection group has made towards devising a season of films and events for 2018-9. The discussion does often make a difference to our programme – so do come.

Tea and coffee will be available, of course, as will wine glasses for anyone who would like to make use of them – we don’t have a drinks licence, but do bring your own, if you wish. There will be also be the short film Run Boy, 90 seconds long, that we omitted to show on March 29.

Meeting starts at 19:45 at the HWC.

Screening of The Bentley Effect on June 7

About a year ago we assisted the local Quaker meeting with their screening of a documentary, in return for which they made a donation to ABCD funds. It was a public screening, which a number of ABCD members attended.
This year, on June 7, Abingdon Quakers are showing The Bentley Effect on a similar basis. It’s a documentary about the Northern Rivers Region community in New South Wales resisting a plan to site a new gas field in a ‘unique part of Australia’, successfully using non-violent methods in a huge stand-off with 850 riot police. Following the screening there will be a Q&A with anti-fracking activists.

Director: Brendan Shoebridge, Australia, 2016, 85 minutes.

19:30 at Health & Wellbeing Centre, Audlett Drive. Admission by donation (£6 suggested).

To contact Abingdon Quakers about this screening:

Oxford International Film Festival, May 11–13

We have been contacted by OXIFF and asked to make you aware of our nearest film festival. It takes place in May with screenings at the UPP and at the Curzon. For information and tickets go to:

About the ABCD newsletter

You will recall a questionnaire several weeks ago about your preferred way of receiving the newsletter. The outcome is that we will continue to send it by email, using software that is held on our website server. This helps us to comply with the data protection rules, but it means that, perhaps unfortunately, we cannot attach files to these messages. Incidentally, the newsletters are lodged on the website, so you do not need to go hunting
for the email, should you want to re-read our deathless prose in, say, 18 months’ time.

We are happy to provide printed copies at our screenings, if you do not wish to receive it by email or do not use email. We will post it to you if you provide us with stamped addressed envelopes.

We plan to send out another newsletter towards the end of May.