New season starts soon
Our new programme brochures have been going out in the last week or two. If you have not received your copy yet, please let us know and we will get one to you. As you will have noticed, the format is different and, we hope, more manageable and attractive, though the total surface area and the amount of space given to describing the films are much the same as in previous years. Do let us know if it appeals to you or not as a publication.
The annual brochure is our principal means of attracting new members, as well as informing existing members of our future films. But for that to work we really have to get it into the hands of potential members. We are spending a little money on doing that this season, but we really do need members’ assistance as well. Please therefore help us to promote the film society by passing on your spare copy to a friend or acquaintance; and, even better, ask for some additional copies and distribute them wherever you think it might be a good idea. As we have said many times previously (sorry!), do bring guests to screenings from time to time, as that has been a route into membership in the past and it makes us more financially secure.
Our first film of the season is The Big Sick, showing on October 4. It’s a romcom with a difference and it’s probably worth stressing that the title does not refer to nausea or vomiting, just to being ill – this is quite a delicate film, not a “gross-out comedy”. As usual, start time is 19.45 at the Health and Wellbeing Centre, Audlett Drive, OX14 3GD; but please arrive in good time if you will be paying your subscription. You are very welcome to do this, even without telling us in advance, but if you do let us know (by sending us an email), then we we will probably have your membership card ready and things will be more expeditious.
Ska’d by the Music on October 25
This is a special event in various ways.
- The director, Sharon Woodward, will be present at the screening
- It’s being shown at the Kings Head and Bell in East St Helen St (upstairs in the King Charles Room) at the usual time of 19.45. There will not be a bar in the room, but you can buy drinks downstairs and bring them up.
- This event is not covered by subscriptions – admission will be charged to all comers – £7.50 (£3.50 full-time students). Seating will be limited, but you can reserve by sending us an email or writing your name on a sign-up sheet at the previous two screenings. If you think you will be coming but are not 100% sure, put your name down in any case. More about this in the next newsletter in mid-October.
We look forward to seeing you in October and beyond.