Newsletter – 30 May 2019

Future of ABCD

For personal health reasons, our Secretary, Dave Thomas, has had to resign from the Committee with immediate effect. We send him our very best wishes for his on-going care and for the best possible support for him from family and friends.

Among the many tasks that Dave ably undertook, his role as Secretary was crucial to the life and smooth running of the Society. This Newsletter is therefore an urgent appeal to all members and friends of ABCD to find some one willing to take on this vital position. Full details of Secretarial duties are available on request.

As the Committee is currently depleted in numbers (there are presently four other unfilled vacancies), the need for a Secretary is paramount because, without some one to take on that role, the Society is unlikely to be viable much beyond next season. After almost 45 years existence in Abingdon, promoting the appreciation of a wide range of recent and archive cinema
from countries and directors the world over, it would be nothing short of tragic to see the Film Society disappear in this way.

We therefore urge any member who thinks they may be able fulfil the role of Secretary to let us know as soon as possible.

As noted above, the need for more members of the Committee continues to be pressing, so anybody interested in helping out in any way, apart from the Secretarial role, is similarly urgently appealed to!

If you, or anyone you know, would like to know more about either or both of these opportunities to contribute to the continued existence of ABCD Film Society, please contact us as soon as possible.

Telephone: 01235 521976