Newsletter – 03 July 2020

Hello members and subscribers. Your Committee would like to express its thanks to everyone for your forbearance in what is continuing to be a long, difficult period for all.

The 2020/2021 season, due to start in October, will of course be subject to significant operational and social changes, about which you will have all heard in the broadcast news but, as soon as our situation becomes clear relative to the restrictions likely to be in force, we shall let you know via further Newsletters how we see the future of the Society and our new programme of films.

Abbey Cinema Re-opening

As some of you may also have done, we’ve received a message from the Abbey cinema with details of their impending re-opening on July 31st. The link to their email is:

In keeping with ABCD’s founding principle of promoting the appreciation of film and world cinema in Abingdon, we encourage you to support this initiative.

Future of ABCD

Because of the dramatic changes that have affected the Society over the past year or so, we have had to consider how best we’re able to face future film seasons. One option, which we have been actively pursuing, is to achieve an association with the Abbey cinema whereby we can use an additional screening auditorium on their premises to show our programme of films. Being associated with Abbey would be advantageous to us in many ways, not least of which would be use of their established set-up at the Guildhall and the centrality of its location in Abingdon. All of this depends – amongst a number of other yet to be negotiated factors – on the progress of some internal refurbishment work at the Guildhall, about which we hope we can update you in the not too distant future.

So, watch out for further Newsletters – but in the meantime stay safe and keep watching films!