ABCD Online
Firstly, many thanks to all of you who completed the recent survey and commented so thoughtfully on the proposal to set up an Online Film Club. The ‘headline’ responses you returned were as follows:-
- Your preferred streaming platform: BBC iPlayer
- Choice of film: Titles suggested by Committee
- Your preferred viewing options: View individually at your chosen time
- Your preferred format for post-film discussion: Send reactions in for subsequent publication
For your interest, the full results and all the comments you returned are shown below:-
For questions 1, 2 and 3, the majority preference was unequivocal, so Committee decisions shall be guided by those results.
For question 4, there was almost equal preference for the reaction slip analogue (send in scores (A → E) with comments) and FaceBook posts, so both of these will be incorporated into the Online programme.
Although the Zoom meeting option came some way behind, it is now a widespread means of virtual communication, so we shall endeavour to set this up for group discussions as required.
New Season Online
Based on the results you returned, we’ve selected Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks, 1938) for our first Online film which, after this long period of enforced hibernation, is sure to lift our spirits and rekindle our enthusiasm for enjoying good films in as close as we can get to the ABCD Film Society atmosphere. At this stage, we are proposing to suggest further titles on a monthly basis, so look out for another announcement in about a month’s time.
Maintaining past ABCD practice, a Programme Note for the film is attached to this Newsletter, with October 29th at time being set for a Zoom meeting to exchange your impressions of it. If you wish to partake in this event, please access the link in the Programme Note for the meeting particulars. (You will of course need to have the Zoom ‘app’ installed on your computer.)
For those who wish to send in reactions individually, please Email info@abfilms with your score (A → E) and comments. These reactions will be published on the ABCD Website ( and/or included in the Zoom discussion relevant to the film.
Reviewing Bringing Up Baby in 2012, critic Derek Winnert wrote “Howard Hawks’ 1938 classic is the quintessential ’30s screwball comedy, providing a perfect showcase for the ultimate in polished zany performances from its all-time great stars Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant”
We hope you think so too!