New Season Online
Encouraged by your response to Bringing Up Baby, our first Online film which scored 63% (based on no less than six whole reactions!) we present Michael Haneke’s Happy End (France, 2017) for your further enjoyment. At this point in the year, with the continuing Covid restrictions in force, we are proposing that the next film will be early in January 2021, so look out for another announcement in a few weeks’ time.
Maintaining past ABCD practice, we’ve produced a Programme Note for the film which is attached to this Newsletter, with November 26th at 7.30pm being set for a Zoom meeting to exchange your impressions of it. If you wish to partake in this event, please access the link in the Programme Note for the meeting particulars. (You will of course need to have the Zoom ‘app’ installed on your computer.)
For those who wish to send in reactions individually, please Email info@abfilms with your score (A → E) and comments. These reactions will be published on the ABCD Website ( and/or included in the Zoom discussion relevant to the film.
Reviewing Happy End in May 2017, critic Richard Mowe wrote “Haneke is a master of his material, revealing just enough to keep the viewer on tenterhooks but not enough to give any easy explanations”
Something to brighten these dull days!