Season Finale
For the last film in our current season, we present the melodrama The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao, directed by Karim Ainouz and released in 2019. Set in 1950s Brazil, the film traces the story of a family fractured by a lie but which, benefiting from Ainouz’s empathetic direction, ultimately celebrates the enduring bond between two forcibly separated sisters. Chronicling changes in the sisters’ lives and exploring notions of family and friendship, love and loyalty, the film is undoubtedly full blooded, while remaining subtle and nuanced to rewarding effect.
New Season
Our new season of films is scheduled to start in September but, as you are no doubt aware, negotiations over renewal of Abbey Cinema’s lease on the Guildhall have been somewhat protracted this year. As this Newsletter ‘goes to Press’ however, we understand the negotiations are now in their final phase so, once they are completed and, crucially, availability of the Roysse Room as a screening venue is confirmed, we shall update you with further details so – watch this space for more news.
In the meantime, enjoy the summer sunshine, until we meet again for another
programme of unusual and thought-provoking movies!
Next Thursday’s screening will be charged at our usual rate of £7.00, which includes £1.00 membership fee
To access Abbey Cinema’s booking page for The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao, please use the following link
Then select 7.30pm GUILDHALL where you can make your booking.
More information about the booking process and our current programme schedule can be found by searching under ‘About Us’ on the ABCD Website,
For this screening, a member of our Front of House team will be on hand to assist anyone who wants to see the film but has not been able to book online.
A Programme Note for the film has been produced and is attached to this Newsletter – it can be accessed via the link at the bottom of the page, and provides a descriptive context to film you are about to see, plus technical credit details and ‘trailers’ for forthcoming films. Please print the Note if you wish to retain a paper copy.
Reaction Slips, for comments on the film and any other points about ABCD you may wish to make, will be available at the screening. Please use them freely – your comments and scores will be published on the Website in due course.
If this is the first time you have received an ABCD Newsletter and would like to find out more about the Film Society, please contact our Membership Secretary by Emailing: