Interim Programme
For Thursday’s ABCD presentation, we’ve chosen Transit, auteur Christian Petzold’s 2018 enigmatic adaptation of Anna Seghers’ 1944 novel. It is a brilliantly realised haunting, allegorical thriller with a timeless narrative that explores questions of loss of homeland, identity and the desperate trauma of displaced refugees. Existentially blurring the past with modern times, the film shows how little has changed in the intervening years between the original World War 2 setting and present day.
New Screen
In order to circumvent some of the difficulties we’ve been experiencing with the screening equipment, we’ve acquired a new screen and shall be using it for the first time this Thursday. It has a diagonal dimension of 120ins and an aspect ratio of 16:9, so we hope your viewing enjoyment will be suitably enhanced for our future presentations!
See below for advance notification of the final title in the interim programme….
April 25th. Aguirre, Wrath of God. Germany/Mexico, 1972. dir: Werner Herzog
…..and watch this space for news of the films for May and June!
Screenings are charged at our current rate of £8.00, which includes £1.00 membership fee.
To access Abbey Cinema’s booking page for Transit, please use the following link
Then select 7.30pm Thursday 28th March 2024, where you can make your booking.
Note: For security reasons instituted by the Town Council, access to the Roysse Room is now only via the Bridge Street entrance.
More information about the booking process can be found by searching under ‘About Us’ on the ABCD Website
For this screening, a member of our Front of House team will be on hand to assist anyone who wants to see the film but has not been able to book online. You are reminded that payment is by bank card only, no cash will be taken.
A Programme Note for the film has been produced and is attached to this newsletter- it can be accessed via the link at the bottom of the page, and provides a descriptive context to film you are about to see. Please print the Programme Note if you wish to retain a paper copy.
Reaction Slips, for comments on the film and any other points about ABCD you may wish to make, will be available at the screening. Please use them freely- your comments and scores will be published on our Website in due course.
If this is the first time you have received an ABCD Newsletter and would like to find out more about the Film Society, please contact our Membership Secretary by Emailing