Cinema Paradiso

Newsletter September 2024

The Last Picture Show

No, not Peter Bogdanovich’s 1971 era-defining small town coming-of-age classic [for all the wrong reasons] the momentous announcement that, as from September 30th [just a few days after you read this], and after almost half a century of promoting and celebrating the art of film in Abingdon and its environs, ABCD Film Society will be wound up and hence no longer exist in its present form.

The circumstances leading to this, in the end, inevitable decision were, as always, many and varied – not least among them being the lack of active volunteers to fill a number of Committee vacancies, continuous room hire and equipment setting up problems since the Town Council took over management of Guildhall last October, diminishing audience numbers and probable loss of our hitherto supportive connection with Abbey cinema. The amount of work to keep the Society viable in its present form in any reasonable scenario is now beyond the capabilities of the few of us remaining on the Committee.

Nevertheless, we decided to screen a final film to mark our ‘exit left of stage’ and the one we’ve chosen sums up [we think] our realisation that we are at the end of an era of community participation in film appreciation – namely, Giuseppe Tornatore’s  Cinema Paradiso, released in 1988. With an original run time of 174mins, the film is a loving homage to the magic of cinema and its ability to capture the heart, mind and imagination, just by telling simple stories often with profound meaning. Not only is it a salute to the golden age of movies but also it’s a reflection on the lamentable loss of culture and past values.

This final screening will take place in the Roysse Room on Tuesday 24th September at the usual time of 7.30pm.

In recognition of the support from past audiences there will be NO CHARGE for the screening.

To access Abbey Cinema’s booking page for Cinema Paradiso, please use the following link 

Then select 7.30pm GUILDHALL where you can make your booking.

Note: For security reasons instituted by the Town Council, access to the Roysse Room is now only via the Bridge Street entrance.

More information about the booking process can be found by searching under ‘About Us’ on the ABCD Website

For this last screening, a member of the Committee will be on hand to assist anyone who wants to see the film but has not been able to book online.

A Programme Note for the film has been produced and is attached to this newsletter- it can be accessed via the link at the bottom of the page, and provides a descriptive context to film you are about to see. Please print the Programme Note if you wish to retain a paper copy.

Reaction slips, for comments on the film and any other points about ABCD you may wish to make, will be available at the screening. Please use them freely- your comments and scores will be published on our Website in due course.


In order to keep at least the spirit of ABCD alive, we propose reviving the online format we pioneered during the 2020 Covid pandemic. Imaginatively named ABCD Online 2, further details will be announced before the screening. If you wish to obtain more information about ABCD Online 2, please contact Barry Reeves by Emailing