Membership of the ABCD Film Society
From Thursday 29th September 2022, we are delighted to announce that ABCD film society will commence live screenings at The Guildhall, initially in the Roysse Room, entrance from BRIDGE STREET.
We will be doing monthly screenings on the last Thursday of each month [although there may be seasonal exceptions to this].
Your Membership subscription will be included in your entrance fee.
From Thursday 27th October onwards, the fee will be £8 [which is £7 for entrance and £1 membership]. This will be the regular fee all attendees will pay.
We will be using the booking system for the Abbey Cinema, and the buildings are a cash free zone so all bookings should be made ONLINE , in advance, via their website.
Membership is open to all over sixteen years of age, except for BBFC certificate 18 films.
For further details about membership please email