Cert 15
Portugal/France 2016, 7 Minutes
Programme Notes
The third of four films from the ICO Artists’ Cinema 2016 series, this short is described as “a supercharged history of sculptor Constantin Brancusi’s infamous Princess X, a futuristic bronze phallus that is actually a bust portrait of Napoleon’s equally infamous great grand niece, Marie Bonaparte”. For further information, see http://www.independentcinemaoffice.org.uk/films/artistscinema2016
- A wee gem!
- Fascinating
- At last a short that got somewhere!
- Raised topics which should be more commonly explored
- Good story, well told
- A great bit of art history that fell into the ‘Was that real?’ category
- I now know lots about this artwork – which I won’t forget!
- Nice, succinct modern art tutorial
- I liked that sculpture!
- Well carved – it rather looked like a telephone
- Could have been informative if the commentary had been more decipherable
- Are you sure this shouldn’t have been ‘X’ rated?
- Yes, it was a bit