Presented jointly with Abingdon & District Town-Twinning association, this is a spy comedy with a bit of bite, based on a Jean Bruce novel, featuring Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo, co-stars of the 2012 Oscar-winnning The Artist. The event also serves as a party to celebrate the end of our main season, 5 Broken Cameras (showing 27th March) being the last film included in seasonal subscriptions.
“[Hazanavicius] throws in some supremely silly running gags, while keeping the plot moving at a clip and establishing a rapport between the hapless hero and his insouciantly accomplished assistant, Bérénice Bejo” – David Parkinson, Empire. (Cert 12A)
Dir: Michel Hazanavicius 99 mins France 2006, French dialogue with English sub-titles
- doors open at 7.00
- pre-film glass of wine (bring your own) and nibbles at 7.15***
- film at approximately 7.45
- cheese and wine from 9.30 – bring your own wine!***
***Please note: admission includes film, food and soft drinks, but not alcoholic drinks. Please bring your own wine, as we are not licensed to sell or supply alcoholic drinks.
Admission: £7.50.
“Très bon!”
“Excellent choice – very well done, very well directed.”
“Very amusing – a great romp!”
“It had a lot of good ideas.”
“A silly spy comedy. Whilst the jokes were a bit hit and miss, it had enough charm to stand repeated viewing.”
“Good fun to end the season.”
“A pleasant, brain-resting film”
“Good entertainment”
“007 meets Airplane – in a sauna!”
“Good film – pity the chairs are so uncomfortable!”
“Tame and lame, only one joke – but I enjoyed the film’s style and credit titles.”