THREE COLOURS WHITE (Trois Couleurs Blanc)


three-colours-white-trois-couleurs-blanc-mar-13thThis is the second film in Kieslowski’s Three Colours trilogy. A Polish hairdresser, Karol, marries Dominique, a Parisienne, (Julie Delpy). The marriage is not consummated and Dominique files for divorce. She then sets about destroying Karol, who becomes destitute. Back in Poland, he plans his revenge. The story is told wryly, with black humour and with political and visual symbolism. “Kieslowski’s films … are made to be watched instinctively. You use the same, appreciative reflex when you listen to music, only this time just listen with your eyes” – Desson Howe, Washington Post. (Cert 15)
Dir: Krysztof Kieslowski 91 mins Poland/France/Switz. 1994


“An exceptional comedy drama, with a fantastic central performance from Zamachowski. Let’s hope we have more Kieslowski films very soon.”

“Witty, sardonic humour: brilliant atmosphere in Polish town.”

“A gripping plot – if a bit hard to follow.”

“A weird film, beautifully executed.”

“Far fetched but nicely done.”

“Very strange, as usual [with Kieslowski] but great music!”

“A fertile amazing tale!”

“Good, clear dialogue and no problem in following the theme but where was the last shot? (Like all films, did he go to Hong Kong?)”

“Did he cut his nose off to spite his face?”

“Cutting your nose off to spite your face!! My Polish not good enough to translate this old English saying/proverb.”

“Blind-sided me on several occasions.”

“Enjoyable but I didn’t get the ending.”

“Good in parts”

“Fascinating but I don’t think he could really have survived in that suitcase! Was she worth all that?”

“Some interesting images but it was difficult to like anyone or find the story believable.”

“Not too impressed – some logical errors in the plot”

“Didn’t really recognise it as the film in the Notes.”

“Neither clever enough nor interesting enough to grip me!”


A:13, B:17, C:11, D:1, E:0 to give 75%